Friday, October 18, 2013

Holier than Happy

"What if God designed marriage to make us holy more than to make us happy?

- Gary Thomas, Sacred Marriage

I reached an epiphany over lunch yesterday. 

"I want to marry a man who has a deep faith in God," I shared to my friends. I realized that one of the reasons why my past partners could not be as loyal and faithful as I hoped they could be was because of the weakness of their faith. A faithful man's loyalty shall be unwavering---steadfast even if shaken.

If a man loves God deeply, this love will manifest in his commitment. As a true Christian, he knows that life and relationships are more than just a quest for happiness. He would learn to love and carry his burdens for the sake of his family in the same way that Christ has carried His cross for mankind despite their ungratefulness.

What makes it easy for a man to fall into temptations is a weak faith. What drives him to search for vices and other women at critical times -- times when his love is much needed -- is a mistaken reason for existence. In her e-article, "What Does the Bible Say About Marriage," Mary Fairchild writes: "Is it possible that there is something much more profound in the heart of God than simply to make us happy?"

At this point in my life, I figured that I will no longer ask God for a lot. A man who loves Him deeply, faithfully should be enough to tick of all the secondary qualities that my ideal mate should possess---compatibility included.

* * *
It was a scene in my favorite Christian teen romance series. In youth group one night, the main character’s best friend acts out the role of “Katie Christian” dating “Peter Pagan” for a timely lesson on dating relationships.

“Katie Christian” is asked to stand on a chair and hold hands with “Peter Pagan.” When she tries to pull him up to her faith, she is unsuccessful, but all it takes is one swift tug for him to pull her down to his level.
One. Swift. Tug.
- Addie, Unequalled Yolk

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